And this compass? Why should it always point to the North, ignoring me completely?
What if it actually lived with me? Monika Hoinkis decided to live with the objects and see if they will also accept to live with her. And they did.
The compass points at the person holding it. The metronome reacts to physical presence. Even water vibrates to... you guessed it, to your own heartbeat.
And this umbrella? Come on, you know you want it. Give it a hug. It's the only way to be well protected anyway.
See the whole Living with Things series.
i'd reckon to say this is just plain egoism. is it in any way consequential that a metronome listens to me that the compass points to me? does it REALLY say anything about the connection between artist and world? it sounds like some case from a psychology book or an autistic person who gets frustrated because all the objects (which in severe cases of autism, people are also perceived as objects) don't do what you want them to. i'm all for manipulating nature, but why these objects and why, well just why? i'm probably just not getting something
hmm... what severity in judgement!
i would say it's just a gentle play, not a case of complete egocentrism. some objects actually point to the person, but if you go to the link, you can discover others, that require your constant participation to function, like a radio that needs to be held to function. in this case, it is the object that requires the user to "point to it". so, if we consider it to be an extreme case of egocentrism, i would say it's an egocentrism for two - the person and its object... or a bi-centrism?
Ok, I'll try in english:)
Every relationships are a bit like this: they use both agents marvelous imperfections and turn it into an articulation. It's because the edges are not perfect that we can articulate and not only slide through things.
Donna Haraway explains this terribly well.
normally i like works with a playful approach and sense of humour. but i think shane might be right. there's something too saccharine in this one. it's a little self-obsessed, even precious, focused on the artist's worldview and her mates. it seems to aim for cuteness and just wanting to please - nothing to say. certainly not haraway-grade.
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