So how was it for YOU?
Not all of
Robert Grigolov's work convinces me. Some of it seems like simple tricks
pour épater les bourgeois. But isn't part of the fun about discovering the value something has for you when taking out of a context which isn't necessarily one you appreciate?

Why does the above installation have the title
Dollar Bill? I don't know. I have some ideas, but I don't think I want to follow them. And, just as Daniel Pennac's
10 Inalienable Rights of the Reader, so any spectator has similar rights, among them, to decide arbitrarily where the work begins and ends for her.

This doesn't need to mean any sort of glorification of ignorance. However, it does accept it as part of the deal. After all, the spectator is no less free than the artist, is he?

This should be a very obvious question. Aesthetic relativism is something seemingly accepted. Yet the contemporary art world seems to specialize in "right" ways of looking at its creations.

Anything goes - yet there is still plenty of exciting space for dialogue. Tastes are indeed something we discuss and shape, aesthetic experience is a beautifuly shapeable thing. And yet one of the most difficult things is to stay within the play of common value-seeking and exploration of personal experience, and not move into the discourse of competence, the universe of authority, which might sustain a big chunk of what the contemporary art world is about, but is hardly enjoyable for those of us who like their artflesh stupendously raw and intimate.
I want to know why you think he named it Dollar Bill. Pretty please?
Many times while viewing contemporary art, I too am initially skeptical of the cultural and historical contexts of the work in question. However, if we would like to experience a work of art as an unbiased viewer, then we must exercise discretion over our initial temporal and emotional reactions and allow an assessment of the work to come from contemplation. We are all viewers, some of us artists, gallerists, or curators, and many of us none of these things. I believe it is important for us to remember our proximity to the art world and acknowledge our biases, but to always be first and foremost, viewers.
Galleries are dead. But not for delirium
amazing blog., love the art ., kinda weird but i like it!
heheh, Madeleine, I was wondering if someone would notice :)
The title is actually "Dollar Note".
Which makes for a pun with note, of course.
Which still leaves us wondering what this has to do with the dollar.
Is it because the birds are being "convinced" to play the notes by a sort of a commercial exchange? Is it because they are enclosed, imprisoned?
Or maybe there is something about the installation we are missing, some info, like the notes they play having to do with the bell of Dow Jones, or some classic American tune?
So the issue becomes - do we want to play hide-and-seek. Sometimes, to me, it's an exciting game. At other times it risks spoiling MY experience of the work...
My new favorite artist, despite how other people may feel :)
contemporary art
and surrealism.
i agree with you,
it's aesthetic and beautiful.
stunning idea's!
Contempo Art, sublime representation of the signs of the times, the feelings, the grievances and the hope!
It's man on the top.
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