At last! Some good quality theoretical debate about performance, in Portugal! This is a very unexpected early Christmas gift.
With artists such as Rui Horta and Pedro Tudela, and among the curators, Isabel Carlos and the Portuguese star-curator Delfim Sardo, this is going to be a delicious series of conferences. Considering performance is one of the crucial languages of today's art, this is a must-see.
This series of lectures takes the practice of performance in visual arts as departure point, with a view to covering certain thematic extensions that contribute largely to the definition of the individual nature of each performance.More on the Culturgest site.
In addition to an historical approach, the lectures will concentrate on these thematic extensions, thanks to the contributions of a group of speakers from different fields, work areas and artistic domains.
very interesting blog! discovered today:
delfim sardo is curating the next exhibition in our art center, in Granada, southern Spain. We also run a blog:
it's in Spanish, but you'll certainly get it. hope to read more from you, regards.
thanks for the kind words and info!i hope we stay in touch!
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